Lenovo Thinkpad X230, X240, T440p Type-C PD Charging Mod
I made this board because I have fallen in love with the Type-C connector and the Power Delivery protocol. Many things can be said in the support of this statement but long story short, I just love to travel with maximum 2 cables and 1 or 2 power bricks depending on the number of devices I carrry; bonus fact, I can charge my laptop from the same power bank(45w PD enabled) that charges my phone.
Original Connector and Type-c Mod Color options
Macro Keyboard for 3D designers, Video Editors, Gamers and more
The idea to make this macro keyboard came to me when I was learning CAD and I found myself needing to use multiple keys shortcuts that included also middle mouse button presses for orbiting around the 3D object. That was the moment when I went out to search for an accessory that can ease my life but to my surprise what was available on the market was also quite expensive to the point that I felt it was not worth it as I am not a CAD/CAM designer by trade but I wanted to learn a skill to aid my maker skill set. So what’s the next thing a maker will do ? Indeed a maker will make it’s own spin of an accessory.
The Macro Keyboard Manufacturing steps
Maker Board based on Raspberry Pi 0w
I was tired of using expensive brand’s to flash my projects under windows and every single time I had to figure out what was wrong. What update was going to crash which part? Will it be the driver ? Maybe one of the softwares in the chain ? So I decied to try and use OpenOCD under linux as the Raspberry Pi is a great candidate to be used as an interface for it. Once I got all working ( on a RPI0W) I never looked back and it is very straight forward to get all working. I have included a complete guide in the documentation section below.
Main Board Upgrade for the Original Anycubic Wash and Cure
This is a drop in replacement board for the Anycubic Wash and Cure station that is used in conjunction with resin 3D Printers to clean and cure the resin prints after removing them form the printer. For some of my projects I am using resing 3D printing and I have to use the Anycubic Wash and Cure station extensively but something about it was not quite how I needed it and I decided to fix the problem myself. The board that I made connects to Wi-Fi and it has a simple menu that can be acessed via a web browser, it uses 3 push buttons for the common settings directly on the board and it is fully open source.
M5Atom IR transmitter,receiver and temperature
This is what I consider the best thing you can have to use in a HomeAutomation setup as it is small, works with the M5Atom out of the box and it has IR RX and TX plus a very precise Temperature sensor. I have recently got into the Apple HomeKit system and I was not that happy with the costs and range of accesorries so I have gotten down the route of HomeBridge and used the amazing system that the people behind this project gave to the community . Now I needed to reduce the space used by all my messy wires and integrate as many sensors as I could in one small package that can sit in a room.
USB A to Microusb, MiniUSB and USB C cable tester
As a maker I have tons of cables around me and with every device that arrives in lab I get even more cables. Because I don’t keep my table organized (as I should 🙂 ), I always grab the cable that is closest to my hand and put it in use. In many situations, I have had problems as the cables were either Charge ONLY or they were poor quality and the wires inside were interrupted. This led me to build my own simple and efficient cable tester for any USB 2.0 cable that can roam my desk.
USB Type-C PD USB 3.0 Red Bradied Cable Emark 100W
As today more and more devices are using type-C cables it becomes more than ever important to have a reliable cable that can serve all your devices reliably! I was way too annoyed by the cables available in the market with shady brand names, exagerrated specifications, and misleading promotional materials. I personally have had countless problems with decently priced cables that were not up the promised specifications. So I decided to embark on a mission and find a proper factory that can build a cable that I would want to use and I would be happy to recommend to my friends and customers. It was a long journey but this is IMHO an ideal cable at a decent price. This cable is a result of a few months of search, testing, more search and more testing done by me in order to find the perfect balance for a cable that will combine a good price with excellent quality.